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Doctor Cernea Simona Adela
Index - specializarea Diabet Zaharat Nutritie Si Boli Metabolice - Cernea Simona Adela

Cernea Simona Adela doctor - medic

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spitale Farmacii Medici Cabinete medicale

Parerile altora despre Cernea Simona Adela

Este un medic super! Si profesional si ca om.
Hello there, I am really disappointed in the expertise of the hospital personnel starting with the doctors. My mother was hospitalized three days ago with a hyperglycemic episode of blood sugar reaching 500. The hospital personnel kept her there without starting IV of fluids, she was dehydrated because she was NPO for more than 12 hour, and you failed start IV of insulin. Her pulse was 35 and she was having orthostatic hypotension, fainting, headache, tremors, and tachycardia. You personnel kept her there for 4 hours without starting a treatment or even to check her blood sugar. In spite of this you did not explain to her any of the tests or medications that were started. Did not check her history, but a nurse started to scream at her why she didn’t take her insulin without knowing that she never had a history of diabetes. You also failed to check her medication history and interaction with each other. In addition, you kept her uncovered without clothes when people went in and out of her room, you did not provide her any privacy but continued to humiliate her. When questioned about her treatment you had to lie saying there were no beds empty when there were at list three empty at the time. I would like to let you know that I will file a complaint against for medical malpractice at the Colegiul Medicilor din Romania and at the European Medical Commission and ask for further investigations.

Ai fost tratat de acest medic? Cum s-a comportat?
Ce boala ai avut? Cum te simti acum?
Ce tratamente ai urmat?

In cazul unei nemultumiri povestea ta spusa online poate feri pe altii de la "dezastru".
Daca esti multumit recomandarea pe care i-o dai medicului poate salva si alti pacienti.

Povestea ta poate salva vieti.

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